HEX to Decimal Converter

HEX to Decimal Converter

Easily Convert HEX to Decimal Numbers

Converting hexadecimal (HEX) numbers to decimal (base 10) numbers is made simple with our HEX to Decimal Converter tool. Whether you're a developer, a student, or anyone needing to convert between these numeral systems, this tool provides quick and accurate results.

Understanding HEX and Decimal Systems

Hexadecimal and decimal are different numeral systems used in computing and mathematics. Here's a quick overview:

  • Hexadecimal (HEX):

    • Uses 16 symbols: 0-9 and A-F (where A=10, B=11, ..., F=15).
    • Often used in computing for color codes, memory addressing, and more.
  • Decimal (Base 10):

    • Uses 10 symbols: 0-9.
    • Commonly used in everyday mathematics and arithmetic.

How to Use the HEX to Decimal Converter

Using our tool is straightforward:

  1. Input HEX Number: Enter the hexadecimal number you want to convert. It can contain digits 0-9 and letters A-F.
  2. Click Convert: Hit the 'Convert' button to see the equivalent decimal value instantly.
  3. Result Display: The tool displays the converted decimal number along with any additional information or formats you may choose (binary, octal, etc.).

Examples of HEX to Decimal Conversion

Here are some examples to illustrate how the conversion works:

  • Example 1: Convert HEX 1A to Decimal:

    • HEX 1A in decimal is 26.
  • Example 2: Convert HEX FF to Decimal:

    • HEX FF in decimal is 255.

Why Use Our HEX to Decimal Converter?

  • Accuracy: Our tool ensures accurate conversions every time.
  • Speed: Instantly convert HEX numbers without manual calculations.
  • Convenience: Access the tool online from any device without downloads.

Explore more conversion tools and utilities from our collection:

Tool Name Description
Text to HEX Converter Convert text characters to HEX format.
Binary to Decimal Converter Convert binary numbers to decimal.
RGB to HEX Converter Convert RGB color codes to HEX format.


Whether you're working with color codes, memory addresses, or simply need to convert between numeral systems, our HEX to Decimal Converter provides a reliable solution. Try it out for free and streamline your numeric conversions effortlessly!

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