Binary to Decimal Converter

Binary to Decimal Converter

Convert Binary Numbers to Decimal Easily

Binary Numbers to Decimal

Binary to decimal conversion is a fundamental operation in computing and digital electronics. Understanding how to convert binary numbers to decimal (base-10) numbers is crucial for anyone working with computers, programming, or digital circuits. This online Binary to Decimal converter tool simplifies the process by providing quick and accurate conversions.

Understanding Binary and Decimal Number Systems

What is Binary?

Binary is a base-2 number system that uses only two digits: 0 and 1. Each digit in a binary number is referred to as a bit. Computers use binary digits because they can be represented physically with two stable states (e.g., high voltage for 1 and low voltage for 0).

What is Decimal?

Decimal is the base-10 number system that we use every day, which consists of ten digits (0-9). Decimal numbers are easier for humans to read and understand, but computers internally process and store information in binary format.

How to Convert Binary to Decimal

Converting binary to decimal involves multiplying each digit of the binary number by (2) raised to the power of its position (from right to left, starting at (0)), and then summing these values.

Step-by-Step Conversion Process:

  1. Write Down the Binary Number: Start with the binary number you want to convert to decimal.

    Example: Let's convert (10110_2) to decimal.

  2. Assign Powers of Two: Assign powers of (2) to each bit from right to left. For (10110_2):

    • (1 \times 2^4) = (16)
    • (0 \times 2^3) = (0)
    • (1 \times 2^2) = (4)
    • (1 \times 2^1) = (2)
    • (0 \times 2^0) = (0)

    (10110_2) in decimal is (16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 22).

  3. Result: Therefore, (101102) converts to (22{10}) in decimal.

Why Use Our Binary to Decimal Converter Tool?

  • Accuracy: Ensures precise conversions without manual calculation errors.
  • Speed: Instantly converts binary numbers to decimal, saving time and effort.
  • User-Friendly: Simple interface suitable for beginners and experts alike.
  • Online Access: Accessible from any device with an internet connection.

Examples of Binary to Decimal Conversion

  • (1012) converts to (5{10}).
  • (11012) converts to (13{10}).
  • (111112) converts to (31{10}).


Mastering binary to decimal conversion is essential for anyone involved in programming, digital electronics, or computer science. Our Binary to Decimal converter provides a convenient tool to streamline this process, ensuring accurate and efficient conversions every time. Start converting your binary numbers to decimal effortlessly with our free online tool!

Here are some other useful conversion tools you might be interested in:

Tool Name Description
Decimal to Binary Converter Convert decimal numbers to binary.
Binary to Hex Converter Convert binary numbers to hexadecimal.
Binary to ASCII Converter Convert binary numbers to ASCII characters.
Base64 Encoder Encode binary or text data to Base64 format.
Text to Binary Converter Convert text or ASCII to binary format.
Hex to Binary Converter Convert hexadecimal numbers to binary.

Explore these tools for more versatile conversion options and improve your workflow efficiency today!

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